Every man dreams of having good health. As a result of the hectic pace of life, unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, constant psychological disturbances, even a physically healthy representative of the stronger sex is able to get out of the routine. This negatively affects the entire male body. Including starts to suffer and sexual function.
To avoid negative consequences, you should eat right. There are products that help increase potency in men.
A full-fledged varied diet affects overall well-being and affects potency. Men's health is very sensitive and reacts to the lack of nutrients and vitamins.
What should a man's diet be?
The key to male activity is a balanced diet. Thanks to him, the body is saturated with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other components, allowing you to keep the body in good shape. It is proper nutrition and an active lifestyle that contribute to the absence of problems with potency.
Nutrition for a healthy man should be varied. It must include products containing:
- magnesium;
- soccer;
- potassium;
- sulfur.
In addition to them, vegetable and animal proteins, carbohydrates, fats of natural origin that improve erection must be supplied to the body. Food must contain vitamins A, C, E, D, which are necessary for normal potency. In winter, it is recommended to take vitamin supplements. Potency is positively influenced by vitamins B5 and B6, which regulate hormone levels and help fight stress.
Aphrodisiacs should also be included in a man's diet. The zinc they contain contributes to the production of sperm. In addition, it is advisable to eat foods rich in alkaloids and antioxidants, which are responsible for the feeling of falling in love.
Which foods can increase potency?
There are many products to increase potency. The main sources of a flawless erection:
- nuts, vegetables, fruits;
- sweets, meat, seafood;
- honey, herbs, fish;
- sour cream, milk, cottage cheese.
With regular consumption of these products, a man always has a normal tone. Let's consider in more detail how certain products affect potency.
Vegetable food
Such food helps to increase potency. Men who consistently consume lettuce, celery, soybeans, almonds, quince seeds, nettles, turnips, anise, asparagus, ginger, cabbage, beets, walnuts, pistachios, melons, carrots, cardamom, peppers and other products that increase sexual activity never have intimacy problems.
What are the benefits of these products? The fact is that they contain vegetable proteins in large quantities, which, in comparison with proteins of animal origin, have a lower biological value, but such a composition of amino acids has a beneficial effect on potency. In addition, plant foods contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that help restore hormonal balance and components that affect sexual activity.
Doctors advise men to include walnuts, peanuts, lemons, mint, figs, cumin, oranges, thyme, purslane, avocado, pomegranates, and tarragon in their diet. Thanks to such products, the power is significantly increased.
Protein food
It is very important for a man to eat protein-rich foods. Meat helps to increase sexual strength, so it must be included in the diet of the stronger sex. It is recommended to use fish, which increases the erection several times. Mackerel is very useful in this regard, which contains trace elements that can increase excitability and vitamin E, which is responsible for the production of the main male hormone - testosterone. The fish should be consumed boiled.
A man can diversify his diet with vegetables that have a beneficial effect on sexual power. Turnips, potatoes, mushrooms, onions, carrots can increase the potency. Due to their amino acid composition, they increase sexual desire. Dandelion, which is rich in proteins and trace elements, is also considered an excellent stimulant. It is recommended to add it to vegetable salads.
It is very useful not only for health, but also for increasing the potency of honey. It is mixed with hazelnuts, peanuts or walnuts and consumed daily at bedtime. The effectiveness of taking this delicacy occurs on the 4th or 5th day. Peanuts or walnuts can be replaced with peeled seeds, sesame seeds, plums, or other dried fruit.
Dark chocolate improves mood and is a great stress reliever. Thanks to the antioxidants included in its composition, a problem-free erection occurs. Cocoa has the same effect.

There are products that help to instantly increase potency in men. These are seafood such as salmon, flounder, shrimp, mackerel, crayfish, squid. The zinc and selenium contained in them affect the sexual function of a man and ensure the health of the intimate area. Seafood is rich not only in vitamins and minerals, but also in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are involved in the testosterone biosynthesis process.
Mussels have the same qualities. Thanks to their beneficial properties, they improve erectile function. The amino acids included in their composition activate the production of sex hormones.
For maximum effect, it is recommended to use raw crustaceans, since a significant part of the useful proteins and trace elements is lost due to heat treatment. In addition, they should be consumed in the reproduction phase, because at this time the concentration of amino acids they contain is higher.
What should be excluded from the diet?

To avoid problems with potency and to prevent sexual impotence, a man must give up harmful products that negatively affect potency. These include coffee, sodas, and energy drinks. It is necessary to eat pasta and other carbohydrate foods as little as possible, which contributes to rapid satiety, but does not improve potency.
Bread affects male power both negatively and positively. It is advisable not to abuse white bread, as it can cause the development of impotence. Useful for men rye or bran bread. The vitamin B contained in them is necessary for a normal erection.
Therefore, products for potency must be present in a man's diet. Through the use of certain foods, male strength increases. They, along with walks in the fresh air, sports and excellent mood, allow you to forget about an unstable erection forever.